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30일-잉타 노래-Summer Fun-여름노래 [잉타-엄마영어체험단1기.20161021~1118] ♪ Summer Fun ♪ Summertime is a lot of fun. My face is warm in the summer sun. Bring your pail and shovel too. Run to the beach at the Alpha Zoo. We can swim and sail, splish splash in the sea, All summer long. Come surf with me. Summertime is a lot of fun. My face is warm in the summer sun. Bring your bathing suit, sunglasses too. Run to the beach at the Alpha Zoo. ♪ 여.. 2016. 11. 2.
30일-잉타 노래 Spring is Here-봄 노래 [잉타-엄마영어체험단1기.20161021~1118] ♪ Spring Is Here ♪ Spring is here. Spring is here. The flowers, the trees, the birds and the bees. Spring is here. Spring is here. Everything is in bloom. The grass is green. The air is clean. The birds are singing a song. A warm, spring day. All I can say, I wait for spring all year long. Spring is here. Spring is here. The flowers, the trees, the birds and the bees. Spri.. 2016. 11. 2.
29일-잉타노래-Fat, Thin, Short, Tall--형용사 [잉타-엄마영어체험단1기.20161021~1118] Short, long, big, small, ♬ 누가 더 빠르게 말하나~~ ㅎㅎㅎ ♪ Fat-Thin-Short-Tall ♪ Now he is fat. Now I am fat.Now he is thin. Now I am thin. Now he is short. Now I am short. Now he is tall. Now I am tall. Fat, thin, short, tall. And that is all. Fat, thin, short, tall. And that is all. His hair is short. My hair is short.His hair is long. My hair is long.His .. 2016. 11. 2.
29일-잉타노래-Falling Leaves- 계절, 가을 [잉타-엄마영어체험단1기.20161021~1118] ♪ Falling leaves ♪ Now the leaves are falling. They are blowing in the wind. All their pretty colors Mean that fall is here again. Purple, red, and orange Brighten up my day, Let’s stop and listen. You can almost hear them say – We are falling. We are falling. Quickly to the ground. Wind is blowing. Wind is blowing. Blowing us around. 떨어지는 낙엽들 낙엽.. 2016. 11. 2.