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3일--잉타노래 Months of the Year--월별 노래 ♪ Months of the Year♪unit17 January, February, March and April. These are the months of the year. May and June, July and August. These are the months of the year. There are twelve months. Come sing this song. There are twelve months. It won’t take long. September, October, November, December. These are the months of the year. I hope that now you can remember. That these .. 2016. 11. 18.
2일-잉타노래- Every Day--요일 Every day Every day is a great day for me. Every day is a great day for me. Monday is the first day. Tuesday is the second day. Wednesday is the third day. Thursday is the fourth day. Friday is the fifth day. Saturday is the sixth day. Sunday is the seventh day of the week. ♪ 매일매일 ♪ 매일매일이 나에겐 좋은 날이야. 매일매일이 나에겐 좋은 날이.. 2016. 11. 18.
2일--잉타노래-Clothes, Clothes,Clothes--옷 표현 Clothes, clothes, clothes Clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes. Clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes. (So many kinds of) Clothes, clothes, clothes So many clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes. I have shirts and pants, shoes and socks, a dress, a shirt. They’re all in stock. We have clothes, clothes, clothes So many clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes There are big pants. (They’re.. 2016. 11. 18.
1일-잉타노래-Time with Friends--친구들과 노는것 표현 ♪ Time With Friends ♪ Do you play basketball (Simon) with your friends? With your friends? With your friends? Do you go swimming with your friends? Please tell me. I play basketball (Nicky) with my friends, with my friends, with my friends. I go swimming with my friends. That’s what we do. Friends, (Together) To play with, to jump with, to run around. Friends, A friend l.. 2016. 11. 18.